Wednesday, March 26, 2008

事務多多,搭多了地鐵,有一天遇上metropop發行天,拿了一本來研究,竟發現有chie!的介紹而給打了一頓,也就收起來給相關人們過目,沒有想到,今天再翻下去,竟發現一則新聞,話說bjork在上海演唱,encore的部分,高歌了一曲declare independence,並把Tibet也混入其中地名.



(博匯Civic Express : Hong Kong's Blogazine)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Well, talked with Tobias again today over the trouble with Osage concerning the foyer projection and my earlier entry here. It turned out to be another unfortunate mis-communication between different parties, and I am therefore happy to apologize for any false accusation to anyone based on incomplete facts. (the peculiar fact is ofcourse, how come I also have only the partial facts?)

The fact, it seems, is that Osage did ask or communicate (unfortunately just) with Tobias (and not us curators of the show), about what they wanted to do with the foyer projection, while we curators were then still attempting to use the foyer projection for showing our participants' work there. For us, work of art always should have the priorty, and hence we were particularly dissatisfied then, with the intended work showing there being replaced by a design that has not our (curators') endorsement.

I certainly do not want to put all the blame on to Tobias, for our idea over the projection at the foyer was a rather late decision, and I principally agreed with Tobias then, that it would be a waste of our energy with what I proposed to do, that of asking both Norman and us to meet with Osage and decide together on what to do with the front projection.

Yet taking in Tobias' advise on the spot, I shifted to response to it in the CHiE blog afterwards, by trying to see or link this experience with the topic of creative commons vs copy, stirring up attention to a new kind of unclear border, a grey zone, which is also a part of what the show is trying to address. What is stealing if we are trying to opening up copyright? What is it (or Why is it) that our designer was feeling bad about this? (Because its immitator technique is inferior?) I believe all these, should be a much more positive lesson for us to think about.

here is a link to OPEN KNOWLEDGE.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

區區有睇頭 文化導賞團

透過文化導賞團,你重新以另一個角度去看看香港這個既熟識又陌生的地方。我們深信每一個社區都是一個寶藏,等待著我們去發掘埋藏在它裡面的歷史、文化、人和人之間的…… 究竟區內的發展,在過去、現在、將來,如何改變了那個地方,還有使用那地方的人?


社區導賞2-3 hrs +行後分享 30 mins

觀塘 周思中+袁人 「工廠的興衰與轉變」

4月之旅 「 盡 管你我空間 」系列

九龍灣 謝柏齊 「大商廈的空間設計」

深水土步 薯寶 「小商舖的生活智慧」

費用 每人每次收費:$40

1. 系列參與形式收費:一次繳交3次團費,而全部出席者,可獲退回$40大元。

2. 如4人或以上結伴報名,可以以優惠價$120參加一團。

名額:每團15人 報名及查詢:Phoebe 6596 0906 /

主辦: 自治八樓(學聯社會運動資源中心) 23977231


two newly made mindmaps provide at the venue for grasping the show

self-explanatory figures (captured from Golden Forum)


detourment, with a minimum effort








check out mins 8:00 to 9:30 of this youtube clip
a scene acted outby the social commentator/actor Wong Yuk Man playing the head of a gossip magazine criticizing the unhealthy media.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

meeting of CMP took place in the venue this afternoon.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Do be considerate.

尋失物/material lost

Survival Guide For Demonstrators

This item on display has disappeared from our venue, we could have much like to have it back, for it is a precious item out of a personal collection. If you have taken it by mistake out of the venue, pls return it asap, many thanks. And you are invited to make photocopies with the machine in the venue, of whatever materials on display you like.

活動 / activities

20/03/2007 1530

民間博物館 / Community Museum Project
「解說雪櫃」計劃會議 "You are what you freeze" project meeting
廣東話進行 / conduct in Cantonese

30/3/2008 1500

自治8樓 / SMRC 8A
奧運吹水會 ("What to do upon Beijing Olympics?")
廣東話進行 / conduct in Cantonese

進行中的計劃 / On-going Projects

[獨立媒體 / inmedia]

在展覽期間把 七十年代 雜誌進行電子掃瞄

Scanning of the 70’s Magazine during the exhibition period, and making it re-available for free
download later

[ 程展緯 / 斷估唔拉 / 獨立媒體 / Luke Ching / Chie / InMedia]
Hijacking Time Square Competition

[ 程展緯 / 梁展峰 / 斷估唔拉 // Luke Ching / Jeff Leung / Chie]

(仍在相洽中) 為香港藝術館 香港製造 展覽製作導賞式作品明信片
(still in negotiation) Producing postcards “for” MADE IN HONG KONG show at Hong Kong Museum of Art

四月五日(星期六) 下午

郭達年與歐寧 清談對話
Lenny KWOK & OU Ning “open dialogue”

人在皇后 作品放映及討論會
Screening of Queen’s Pier and discussion session

騎劫時代廣場比賽 結果公佈
Prizes Announcement of
Hijacking Time Square Competition

Sunday, March 16, 2008

So much in the Made for Hong Kong Symposium were misguiding, I simply can't refrain and decided to speak more than I originally planned to. I raised the talk about resources, only for if we are to talk about the realism aspect.

To me, maybe for argument sake, Chie is a show far more symbolic than most people could grasp. People (those with narrowmind conception of art and those who like social engaging art) could only see the social activism there, but not their organization and mode of practices within a curatorial context.

But among the two groups of people, I certainly sympathize with the later.
If one believe there is something bounded to be not suitable for an art space,
then what is not suitable is not that something,
but that space calling itself an art space,
and the close-mindness of such a belief (mentality).
香港公共空間 你所不知道的二三事

Friday, March 7, 2008